Consulting & Training


The essence of Business Development is doing things differently to increase business and revenue. This includes growth on products and/or services. Blazing Kiss Media embraces this philosophy. We represent a variety of clients, in various business categories. Every client’s products and/or services must be showcased in their unique fashion that extenuates their BRAND IMAGE. Achieving proven and track-able results using cutting edge media strategies is the expected outcome. As a Business Development Consultant, our role can fit into any organizational structure that has the need to grow their business, for example, Marketing Director or Coordinator, Promotions, etc.

Our consultant role strives in providing expertise on business development problems that lead to customized implementation of solutions. These in turn, will position your business to be successful at every phase of growth as determined in our thorough Needs Analysis that we conduct in a customized manner with every client. The Needs Analysis includes developing the necessary budget for the desired outcomes in business development.

Our clients have benefitted from putting our experience to work because most businesses struggle with Marketing and Advertising they “try it” rather than learn to “use it”! Successful business growth such as increased market share and, understanding the importance of business development strategies has given very client knowledge in how to grow and develop their business successfully.

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Blazing Kiss Media includes training of staff at all levels with in your business when it deemed necessary to achieve the desired outcomes of business growth. We strive to define the training need(s) area(s) and develop systematic work plans for implementation of training efforts. At the forefront is the creation of Training-development objectives, exercises with measurable outcomes and the learned execution of the results of the training. These customized business development solutions increase the knowledge and development of skills for improving business performance.

Our training is engaging, customized to the UNIQUE story and needs of every client. Interactive scenarios are created to simulate problem areas and allow the trainee opportunities to learn and execute the desired business development solutions.

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